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Donate To Charity Work Hope Foundation
In developing countries, preventable water-related disease blights the lives of the poor.
3.4 million people mostly children, die annually from water-related diseases. Most of these illnesses and deaths can be prevented through simple, inexpensive measures. The mandate of HOPE Foundation which is the Global Outreach arm of Jesus House Baltimore is to provide clean drinking water to resource limited communities around the world. Access to clean and safe water unlocks potential, and helps restore hope that ripples out for many years to come. Water is one of the earth's most precious and threatened resources. Health is one of each person's most precious resources. We need to protect and enhance them both. If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you will end up doing nothing for nobody. Together let us make clean drinking water available to as many people on earth as we can..... One Well a time.
To donate please go to www dot jhbhopefoundation dot org and make a one time donation of any amount or recurrent donations of $6 a month. Every $6 donation frees 2 people from unclean water.
You can also donate while shopping on amazon. Amazon’s charity, AmazonSmile, will donate 0.5% of the purchase price on Amazon items when you buy from the tens of millions of products that Amazon has to offer. Best part is there’s no cost to you (besides the cost of the item you were purchasing). It’s free, easy and takes a few seconds to select the The Redeemed Christian Church Of God Jesus House Baltimore as your charity. Please sign up by: visiting The Redeemed Christian Church Of God Jesus House Baltimore's direct link on AmazonSmile, then login with your Amazon account [or if you don’t have one, set up an account].
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God bless you richly.
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